Jonna Louvrier

Founder & CEO, she/her

Diversity management, HR & DEI, Organisational analysis, Gender and management, Executive education

Working languages: Fin, Eng & Swe

Email - LinkedIn

Includia’s CEO Jonna Louvrier holds a Ph.D from Hanken, the department of Management and Organization. From 2014 to 2016 Louvrier worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University, the Clayman Institute for Gender Research. She has also worked as a researcher at Hanken, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, France, and the Center for Creative Leadership. 

Jonna has an in-depth understanding of organizations and leadership. She has conducted research on various topics related to HR, leadership and organizational behavior and thought courses on leadership, organizational analysis and gender and management at Hanken and the University of Helsinki. As a Postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University Jonna gained insight into how academic research findings are translated into a language and tools that help leaders create more diverse, equitable and inclusive organizations.

How to Build a Diverse Board - Jonna Louvrier & Prönö

Moninainen työyhteisö menestyy parhaiten - Insinöörilehti

Näin hyödynnät monimuotoisuutta - Kauppalehti

Theories of Difference, Divers, and Intersectionality: What Do They Bring to Diversity Management?