Piia Pentti

DEI Consultant, she/they

 DEI Surveys, Analysis and Consulting

Working languages: Fin & Eng

Email - LinkedIn

Piia is an ethnologist who has developed an in-depth understanding of diversity, equity and inclusion through her academic research on inclusion in urban space. Her academic excellence has been acknowledged with awards and grants. As a strong change maker Piia has created spaces for learning and community and facilitated discussions around complex issues, among others at Naisasialiitto Unioni.

Piia has extensive experience of working at the interfaces of different organizations and communities. Due to this she is quick to recognise organizations' key characteristics, challenges and opportunities for change. In her work supporting organizational development she has used methods such as participatory observation, in-depth interviews and surveys. She is an expert in turning large data sets into actionable insights and communicates these in clear and compelling ways.